I am deeply aware of a finite planet and diminishing resources. This plays into my work in unexpected ways. It is not by design, however as I work in a very intuitive way guided by the moment.
I live in a beautiful part of the country near the Pacific Ocean so am galvanized and buoyed by the beauty around me. But this torques with the relentless information feed of the news cycle, climate change, heat waves, floods, and more.
So I lower the volume and dive into an imaginary landscape. Using a camera renowned for documenting without bias and with honesty - I instead use it to create imaginary landscapes loosened from the binds of reality.
My work culls and distorts everyday images, plays with scale and orientation, repetition and incongruence. I explore collage, mark making with paint, and layering in my process with an eye towards creating a landscape that is familiar - yet not of this world.
—Carol Paquet